Founded in 1960 and based in Greensboro, NC, Sherrill, Inc. is a leading distributor and direct retailer of arborist tools and equipment. Sherrill’s vision is to become the world’s leading supplier to professionals who “Work Elevated”. These customers depend on Sherrill’s quality assortment of ropes, technical equipment and clothing to work and pursue their passions safely, efficiently and comfortably high above the ground. www.sherrillinc.com
Sterling Rope Company, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of life-safety rope, cord, and hardware. Made in the USA, Sterling has worked hard to develop the best product for use in climbing, rope rescue, arbor, fire, industrial safety, work access and OEM markets. Sterling strives to be the front runner in innovation and work closely with companies, both large and small, to develop superior products for their needs. www.sterlingrope.com